Gepeto Software
Trial versionLearn French vocabulary with animated flashcards, interactive quizzes, and a variety of games.
WindowsSnack Bar Sim
Trial versionRun your own snack bar.
WindowsActivityMaker Two
Trial versionMake worksheets, games, and other teaching aids.
WindowsVocab Arcade
Trial versionPlay various vocabulary games.
WindowsEdit Prep
Trial versionCreate worksheets for reading and writing skill building.
WindowsGrammar Quest
Trial versionLet this Quest-like game teach your students.
Trial versionGive your students grammar practice as they write their own stories.
WindowsBeanie Quest
Trial versionPlay a logic-oriented puzzle arcade game.
WindowsMath ActivityMaker: Skills
Trial versionCreate all kinds of math worksheets and puzzles.
Trial versionCreate worksheets, quizzes, and puzzles from vocabulary words and defintions.
WindowsGS Scheduler
Trial versionGet an online scheduling application.
WindowsESP (Survey Maker)
Trial versionsurvey creation & administration program
WindowsMath ActivityMaker: Primary
Trial versionCreate worksheets and activities to practice elementary math skills.
WindowsMath ActivityMaker: Fractions
Trial versioncreate practice worksheets for fractions skills