Aston Martin DBX review: see how quick it is ON & OFF-ROAD!


Комментарии • 4,4 тыс.

  • @carwow
    @carwow  4 года назад +1125

    The DBX costs just £2k LESS than a Lamborghini Urus... So which are you picking? Let us know in the COMMENTS!

  • @sir2gooo
    @sir2gooo 4 года назад +841

    7:00 “If you need an extra inch, which if you drive a Lamborghini, you probably do!” LOL

  • @nickhoughton7025
    @nickhoughton7025 4 года назад +559

    Me: Clicks review £150,000+ car
    RUclips: Here's an ad for a Honda Jazz.

    • @niklasw.2362
      @niklasw.2362 4 года назад +14

      Nick Houghton what I want vs what can i afford

    • @user-jt1jv8vl9r
      @user-jt1jv8vl9r 4 года назад +3

      If it were electric. Petrol/diesel no thanks.

    • @MrAWD-ox3gk
      @MrAWD-ox3gk 4 года назад +2


    • @80_kanon_08
      @80_kanon_08 4 года назад

      Nick Houghton I got a Genesis ad.

    • @StefanVlD
      @StefanVlD 4 года назад

      RUclips =Google. Google knows you better then you.

  • @sewrylads3822
    @sewrylads3822 4 года назад +2358

    Is it just me or is Carwow so much better than Top Gear nowadays.

    • @carwow
      @carwow  4 года назад +703

      We'd have to agree... But maybe we're a bit biased 😏

    • @zumamohamed9195
      @zumamohamed9195 4 года назад +166

      any thing is better than than the current top gear

    • @iwillcritiqueyou22
      @iwillcritiqueyou22 4 года назад +36

      @@carwow jeremy clarkson VS Matt

    • @jaybeemhardscrote7466
      @jaybeemhardscrote7466 4 года назад +6

      Now we talkin' Grand Tour V carwow?

    • @RSkate_
      @RSkate_ 4 года назад +36

      Matt should definitely become the host of TOP Gear!! He would revolutionize the show, bring it back to life.

  • @AllEiS42
    @AllEiS42 3 года назад +205

    “If you drive a Lamborghini you probably need an extra inch”
    *Yianni is punching the air rn*

  • @k_shubh8911
    @k_shubh8911 4 года назад +125

    About Matt: a secret Comedian rather than a car reviewer 😂❤️ he is just the best

  • @Ficon
    @Ficon 4 года назад +487

    Nothing says “British car” like a Porsche Macan body sitting on Mercedes internals. The shot of Daniel Craig reaching across the car to the glovebox to put his Aston in Drive in the next 007 movie will be epic.

    • @thesaltycabbage
      @thesaltycabbage 4 года назад +5

      Probably why they used all the older tech instead of new stuff just to give it that authentic feel!

    • @dragospahontu
      @dragospahontu 4 года назад +3

      Aston Martin is going bye bye

    • @mattjmck86
      @mattjmck86 4 года назад +19

      @@dragospahontu we get it, you've replied to almost every comment with the exact same thing

    • @PatrickN8
      @PatrickN8 4 года назад +10

      Stop being so jaded, it's an attractive vehicle and the macan comparison is a deliberate bit of slander to Aston's work here.

    • @F1ll1nTh3Blanks
      @F1ll1nTh3Blanks 4 года назад +3

      @@PatrickN8 It is, the entire infotainment and electronics are Mercedes old system and Siemens.

  • @supersanex_x
    @supersanex_x 4 года назад +189

    Reporter: how do u treat yourself
    Me: by watching car reviews of cars I will never afford
    Matt (yelling from the distance ) :Sucks to be uuuuuu!

  • @darrensobol2867
    @darrensobol2867 4 года назад +62

    9:28 good god that door warning is beautiful

  • @adam145
    @adam145 4 года назад +642

    "If you need an extra inch. And if you drive a Lamborghini, you probably do"

  • @thephao4327
    @thephao4327 4 года назад +608

    The next James Bond movie needs to have Matt play a cameo

    • @zaramzalmay6307
      @zaramzalmay6307 4 года назад +11

      Not really

    • @Parrotdise290
      @Parrotdise290 4 года назад +7

      Yes, of course !

    • @taufiqa.farizi9103
      @taufiqa.farizi9103 4 года назад +11

      As the new Q!
      Or Q's special staff that handles the cars!

    • @thephao4327
      @thephao4327 4 года назад +9

      @@zaramzalmay6307 You must be team Yianni

    • @rafflesnh
      @rafflesnh 4 года назад +2

      Camel ffs! Bloody spell checkers.

  • @capicheeno746
    @capicheeno746 4 года назад +117

    “The Lamborghini comes with an extra inch if you need it. And if your driving a Lamborghini, you probably do” lmao who caught on to this

  • @bighendy4162
    @bighendy4162 4 года назад +292

    It's more JOHNNY ENGLISH instead JAMES BOND

  • @manuelsuntinger6209
    @manuelsuntinger6209 4 года назад +65

    "You can get 23" whells, if you need an extra inch, which you probably do, when you drive a Lamborghini"
    That part killed me😂

  • @khulekanimabaso4589
    @khulekanimabaso4589 4 года назад +23

    I like the fact that this channel also shows how easy the car is to drive around town and also the dont get that in most car reviewers

  • @a.applewhite7034
    @a.applewhite7034 4 года назад +258

    I thought it was a good Sean Connery impression, may he rest in peace

    • @osheajackson490
      @osheajackson490 4 года назад +7

      The original Bond may he rest in peace

    • @dillathehun
      @dillathehun 4 года назад +10

      U said it wrong. Itsh resht in peash

    • @runningbuffalo4326
      @runningbuffalo4326 3 года назад +1

      I thought it was good also👍

    • @dezmod1644
      @dezmod1644 3 года назад

      It was good but it's a Daniel Craig Era car...he should have had the kid in the back

  • @gonzalcala5
    @gonzalcala5 4 года назад +34

    Oh my God! I almost thought he was going to throw that back cover. I freaked out!
    I think this SUV looks lovely. I also love the auto raising of the suspension.
    Congrats to Aston Martin for the off-road course experience.

  • @marksapollo
    @marksapollo 4 года назад +39

    Such a cool car like an Aston should be! Seems to have just the right amount of everything and pure luxury too. Great review!

  • @Goonswami
    @Goonswami 4 года назад +213

    “If you need an extra inch... if you drive a Lamborghini you probably do..” Shots fired @ yanny

    • @cytrynowy_melon6604
      @cytrynowy_melon6604 4 года назад +8

      @@knownashani People from India and China are best at copying others 😂

    • @Goonswami
      @Goonswami 4 года назад +1

      Tomasz Kolowca I didn’t see any comments like mine at the time I commented, by the way I’m from the United States so thanks for that mate.

    • @roddyrodrodrod
      @roddyrodrodrod 4 года назад +1

      Copying other people comments for "likes" is extremely sad and pathetic. The things kids will do for a dopamine hit these days.

    • @roddyrodrodrod
      @roddyrodrodrod 4 года назад +2

      @@Goonswami You didn't see a comment that was worded the exact same as the comment you made afterwards... Hmm.

    • @Goonswami
      @Goonswami 4 года назад

      Dr. Ho Lee Phuk hey man it seems like there’s no point in telling the truth with keyboard warriors like you. I did type and think of it myself, feel free to believe what you want. I’m just trying to put a smile on someone’s face with a witty comment, relax man.

  • @johnrobson4230
    @johnrobson4230 4 года назад +8

    Nice to see you actually parking it in a normal shopping car park, lets us see how easy/difficult it can be, cars just keep getting bigger and bigger but car park spaces stay the same size, same with garages on houses still being built to house 1970’s size cars!

  • @AdrianNelson1507
    @AdrianNelson1507 4 года назад +259

    Everyone in car park: huh, new Ford Puma?

    • @tobias891
      @tobias891 4 года назад +29

      The question is,
      who will buy an Aston Martin, which looks like a Ford, with (old) Mercedes technic for such a high price?

    • @saighchan3650
      @saighchan3650 4 года назад +21

      My first thought was it's ford puma too

    • @ussselesss
      @ussselesss 4 года назад +4

      I wanted to write the same thing! I hate the design, it shouldnt look like a 20000£ car

    • @danieljohnson4994
      @danieljohnson4994 4 года назад +5

      Well ford stole some astons design language

    • @derbigpr500
      @derbigpr500 4 года назад +5

      @@ussselesss It doesn't. People who compare this to a Puma are stupid, and clearly never saw both cars in person. Puma is about half the size.

  • @venom5809
    @venom5809 4 года назад +290

    That push button transmission would drive me mad. LOL

    • @Zarphag
      @Zarphag 4 года назад +9

      dreadful what were they thinking

    • @TroyHR123
      @TroyHR123 4 года назад +8

      Aston Martins have had this setup since like the db9. Granted the buttons do look a bit high up here...

  • @jerinjomon2375
    @jerinjomon2375 4 года назад +87

    If you need an extra inch , you'll probably need it if drive a Lamborghini. Hmmmm nicely done Mathew.

  • @NilloufarNikouzinat
    @NilloufarNikouzinat 3 года назад +4

    What I adored about it besides the breathtaking design, was the fact that head room and rare seat comfort were not compromised because of that sporty slope roof… very intelligent and smart design! They just need to fix those tiny cheap bits they borrowed from AMG🤣

  • @husaynmustafa5559
    @husaynmustafa5559 4 года назад +134

    Drag race idea:Astin Martin DBX v.s. Lamborghini Urus v.s. Porsche Cayenne coupe v.s. Mercedes G63 v.s. Bentley Bentayga

    • @CvmmanderCvdy
      @CvmmanderCvdy 4 года назад +19

      Husayn Mustafa my money is on Volkswagen

    • @joranverhoeven8833
      @joranverhoeven8833 4 года назад +1

      @@CvmmanderCvdy bruh😂😂

    • @THESLlCK
      @THESLlCK 4 года назад +6

      Vs jeep trackhawk. Seriously not considering an important SUV here

    • @andy_walton
      @andy_walton 4 года назад

      X3MC too ...

    • @K3nnyMcCormickk
      @K3nnyMcCormickk 4 года назад

      do all these compete with each other? This DBX looks so small, like and Macan, Q5, X4

  • @orcite
    @orcite 4 года назад +217

    man he is laughing and enjoying himself like a child in his first candy store xD This car is SURE to be good!

    • @AmanAman-ri9kk
      @AmanAman-ri9kk 4 года назад +4

      But the car it is just so ugly

    • @sharas3180
      @sharas3180 4 года назад +4

      @@AmanAman-ri9kk i bet u like how urus looks like

    • @emiliojavier8268
      @emiliojavier8268 4 года назад +1

      @@AmanAman-ri9kk wtf it's beautiful

  • @fishfinners
    @fishfinners 4 года назад +75

    "Exhaust surrounds enhancer , like wearing a ribbed condom" - Matt 2020

    • @gonzalcala5
      @gonzalcala5 4 года назад +6

      Hahahah I am actually glad you commented this. I understood ripped condom and was like, what?! Hahahha

    • @fishfinners
      @fishfinners 4 года назад

      @@gonzalcala5 I wasn't expecting that and burst out laughing.

  • @mauri123g
    @mauri123g 4 года назад +58

    Reminds me of the time Hyacinth Bucket “borrowed” the Rolls to see how others looked at her and Richard 😂

    • @JohnBianchi
      @JohnBianchi 4 года назад +3

      😂 That didn't end well, as I recall...

    • @mauri123g
      @mauri123g 4 года назад +3

      John Bianchi haha yes!!! It all happened at the wrong time! Oh, that show was good.

    • @joeperry9589
      @joeperry9589 4 года назад +8

      It’s Bouquet! 😂🤣

    • @mauri123g
      @mauri123g 4 года назад +3

      Joe Perry “the bucket woman” 😂😂😂

    • @ArtbyAtlas
      @ArtbyAtlas 4 года назад +3

      BOUQUEEEEET Residence, Laaaady of the house, speaking! 😂

  • @taimurahmed8186
    @taimurahmed8186 4 года назад +426

    Its so hard to choose which one i should get , this or the lamborghini urus. I think ill just get both...
    In forza horizon

  • @supersanex_x
    @supersanex_x 4 года назад +118

    Lets see a drag race with the
    *New Bentley Benteyga*
    *Aston Martin DBX*
    *Lamborghini Urus*
    *Rolls Royce Cullinun*

    • @famaccount479
      @famaccount479 4 года назад +3

      Why with the Urus, which will outperform the other 3 by lengths?

    • @dragospahontu
      @dragospahontu 4 года назад

      Aston Martin is going bye bye

    • @famaccount479
      @famaccount479 4 года назад +4

      @@dragospahontu Is going where?

    • @freeyz_7933
      @freeyz_7933 4 года назад

      And the RSQ8, X7M and G Wagon or gle 65 or 63

    • @doughnuts5364
      @doughnuts5364 4 года назад

      Fam Account Cos urus is similar price

  • @adrian7465
    @adrian7465 4 года назад +294

    “It starts at £158,000”
    Yup, that’s my cue to leave😪

    • @黒キツネ-九零二一零
      @黒キツネ-九零二一零 4 года назад +4

      You might as well leave, since aston martin engines are glorified paperweights. Don't get me wrong, I'd love a db9, but I'd ls swap it after I buy it

    • @PorscheFan-g5z
      @PorscheFan-g5z 4 года назад

      The words "Aston Martin" were mine.

    • @mikehawk6175
      @mikehawk6175 4 года назад

      What'd you expect lol

    • @saaralgp
      @saaralgp 4 года назад

      @nzxtrr__ _ exactly

    • @theworldisyours6073
      @theworldisyours6073 4 года назад +3

      @nzxtrr__ _ But then a new model comes out and this one wouldn’t be as attractive.

  • @ajithweerasinghe1925
    @ajithweerasinghe1925 Год назад +1

    Exotic cars are so rare in my country
    but i have seen this with my own eyes ❤

  • @AreaofInterestTV
    @AreaofInterestTV 4 года назад +266

    Why did you Stopped throwing the parcel shelf??? 😅😅

    • @carwow
      @carwow  4 года назад +141

      We think that one might be a bit more expensive than your average parcel shelf 😜

    • @AreaofInterestTV
      @AreaofInterestTV 4 года назад +43

      @@carwow obviously 🤣🤣
      But its Mat's signature move..
      Really missing it 😅

    • @MC_MMV
      @MC_MMV 4 года назад +1

      You needn’t want to scuff it

    • @mtnvalley9298
      @mtnvalley9298 4 года назад +1

      @@carwow it would have been worth it though!

    • @ethanch3011
      @ethanch3011 4 года назад

      @@AreaofInterestTV It's probably about 5k for that parcel shelf

  • @logansmith5692
    @logansmith5692 4 года назад +631

    Mat’s back must hurt from carrying this channel

    • @ConnorHammond
      @ConnorHammond 4 года назад +76

      Mat IS this channel.

    • @AlexCapi
      @AlexCapi 4 года назад +16

      His wallet isn't tho

    • @Sartheris
      @Sartheris 4 года назад +35

      I swear to god, these are the dumbest fuckin comments ever. Mat IS the channel, do you see anyone else making reviews on here? Am I missing something?

    • @user-ji3il6ce2o
      @user-ji3il6ce2o 4 года назад +44

      @@Sartheris He's an employee for carwow, he doesn't own the channel. He just works for the network, it's not his channel. Carwow is a network with over 50 employees. Mat is hired by carwow to make videos.

    • @saintetienne755
      @saintetienne755 4 года назад +1

      Geordie Jesus at Vanarama - the best

  • @meikle9776
    @meikle9776 4 года назад +13

    why do we all love Matt so much, he's a walking legend

    • @adritbothra
      @adritbothra 4 года назад

      U stole my words

    • @meikle9776
      @meikle9776 4 года назад +1

      Adrit Bothra what are you on about I just wrote this. 😂

    • @adritbothra
      @adritbothra 4 года назад +1

      @@meikle9776 bruh I am trying to tell I agree with you. Just in fancy words. 🤣🤣Lmao

    • @meikle9776
      @meikle9776 4 года назад +1

      @@adritbothra ahahahhahahahah I misinterpreted it! Sorry about that. I was confused I didn't see any comments like this! haha have a great day, cheers!

    • @adritbothra
      @adritbothra 4 года назад

      @@meikle9776 same to u mate!

  • @cheruzaleming
    @cheruzaleming Год назад

    You are one of the hardest working people in automotive journalism. Keep it up mate!

  • @sandypatrol3457
    @sandypatrol3457 4 года назад +50

    In my opinion, this is one of the best looking SUV’s.

  • @mattselfe6734
    @mattselfe6734 4 года назад +17

    With currently living with the new Aston Vantage I’m very exited to see an SUV that takes so many design points from the Vantage, It really is a Sports Utility Vehicle. Would much rather have the DBX over a Cayenne turbo or Lamborghini Urus because it’s just so much more classy and beautiful then it’s Rivals.

  • @archiepezek
    @archiepezek 4 года назад +17

    "I love the look of this car, and if you don't, quite frankly, you're wrong" Great comment.

  • @shadahmad1126
    @shadahmad1126 3 года назад

    BBC should hire this guy, funny and entertaining addictive car reviews. Top class!!

  • @junito1008
    @junito1008 4 года назад +21

    14:14 What a difference on sound between regular and sport mode !!

  • @thanapsycho
    @thanapsycho 4 года назад +34

    That guy is the best car journalist in the world.-

    • @saadwaheed5304
      @saadwaheed5304 4 года назад +1

      no doubt about that

    • @ndivhorambau1149
      @ndivhorambau1149 4 года назад +2

      you forgot to write don't @me

    • @bentaylor2159
      @bentaylor2159 4 года назад +2

      Do Clarkson, Hammond and May not exist?

    • @selaelomanyapye4779
      @selaelomanyapye4779 4 года назад +2

      Wat about chris harris?

    • @thanapsycho
      @thanapsycho 4 года назад

      @@bentaylor2159 Well I didn't say they are not great either, just believe Mat is better (my opinion of course).

  • @redward4383
    @redward4383 4 года назад +22

    12:31 probably the only load cover he didn't dare to throw lmao

  • @stockprog50
    @stockprog50 4 года назад +4

    I love the honestly Matt has when doing reviews

  • @ianclare5721
    @ianclare5721 4 года назад +19

    I saw one on the M6 last Friday, it looked gorgeous and sounded fantastic.
    It's definitely on my Lottery win wish list.
    Love it.

  • @radekpasecny4538
    @radekpasecny4538 4 года назад +18

    I love that the door opens in the little steep angle like the other Astons... looks pretty cool on the SUV... ;)

  • @pramitharyan5167
    @pramitharyan5167 4 года назад +61

    Imagine if this car were used in the next James Bond movie where bond has to go through an off road chase - Aston Martin DB No Time to Die

    • @dragospahontu
      @dragospahontu 4 года назад

      Aston Martin is going bye bye

    • @chrishb7074
      @chrishb7074 4 года назад +10

      Bond has to fight his way through the London prep school run, against dozens of Range Rovers, X5s and Cayennes.

    • @dragospahontu
      @dragospahontu 4 года назад +1

      @@chrishb7074 The Touareg is the pick of the range.

  • @thewaywardgrape3838
    @thewaywardgrape3838 4 года назад +4

    Mat is one of the few youtube people I'd actually be glad to of met.

  • @lukecook5801
    @lukecook5801 4 года назад +52

    Jesus, Mat has gone James Bond mode

    • @niklas5855
      @niklas5855 4 года назад

      Who is Jeesus Matt?

    • @JTM610
      @JTM610 4 года назад

      @@niklas5855 he should've written "Jesus, Mat"

    • @niklas5855
      @niklas5855 4 года назад


  • @erg1249
    @erg1249 4 года назад +40

    "If you drive a lamborghini you probably need an extra inch"

  • @WOOTTboy123
    @WOOTTboy123 4 года назад +65

    To be honest if I had a family I’d have the DBX over the urus, even though the urus is quicker the Aston just seems more usable.

    • @ussselesss
      @ussselesss 4 года назад +5

      If you want usability buy a dacia duster

    • @grozaphy
      @grozaphy 4 года назад +1

      @@ussselesss a few*

    • @WOOTTboy123
      @WOOTTboy123 4 года назад +6

      What a Useless suggestion, anyone who would be in the market for the DBX wouldn’t have considered a duster!

    • @Zak-ob5ze
      @Zak-ob5ze 4 года назад

      Just buy a range rover

    • @WOOTTboy123
      @WOOTTboy123 4 года назад +2

      Zack E yeah but they’re too common 🤷‍♂️ gotta be different

  • @thecheaterwt
    @thecheaterwt 4 года назад

    To drive an Aston Martin in those conditions is insane,love your videos from Romania.

  • @markameyaw7028
    @markameyaw7028 4 года назад +83

    So Ford took the grill idea from Aston and now every Aston looks more like a Ford😂

    • @007voja
      @007voja 4 года назад +1

      Ford has an 8 percent stake in Aston Martin

  • @mo.shah33n
    @mo.shah33n 4 года назад +78

    Parking lot:
    Matt: sombody look at the caa!
    Every non-car guy in the lot: Ooh look at that, it's NISSAN JUKE

    • @saintetienne755
      @saintetienne755 4 года назад

      It's a "car park"

    • @mo.shah33n
      @mo.shah33n 4 года назад +1

      @@saintetienne755 oops I didn't know that

    • @subz7352
      @subz7352 4 года назад +1

      Nissan Juke is what came to mind immediately I saw it.

    • @mo.shah33n
      @mo.shah33n 4 года назад

      @B F If I was in that lot, I would've called it a JOKE.

  • @TheRichardHonor
    @TheRichardHonor 4 года назад +56

    Aston Point using everything from Mercedes. Just like Racing Point... who will soon be called Aston Martin

    • @leaferrafael
      @leaferrafael 4 года назад +1

      Lawrence Stroll is the boss on both companies. Next season he's changing the name of the F1 team to Aston Martin awell.

    • @MatrixDiscovery
      @MatrixDiscovery 4 года назад +1

      This Aston SUV is a Mercedes GLC coupe with a different body.

    • @mr.gentlemanguy4422
      @mr.gentlemanguy4422 4 года назад +1

      I am a E63s AMG driver. The new CEO of Aston Martin is Tobias Moers former CEO of AMG Germany also nowadays most of the engines are from AMG like the Vantage and the DB11. In my E63s there's the same engine like the DB11 and I didn't spend so much money for it. So they have something in common but the platform is still different. Because the Aston Martin will be allways unique Quote Marek Reichmann (German surname) chief designer of Aston Martin.

    • @MatrixDiscovery
      @MatrixDiscovery 4 года назад +1

      @A real bisexual petrol-head Prove that it isn't. They are using Mercedes parts everywhere and it would economical for them to use an existing chassis.

    • @DumahBrazorf
      @DumahBrazorf 4 года назад +1

      @@leaferrafael That explains the idiotic placement of the controls, probably done by Lance...

  • @brianpickering5001
    @brianpickering5001 2 года назад

    Was driving one last night, and agree with the bit about the drivers seat, making you feel like you are sitting lower in it. So easy to drive and doesn't feel like a big car.

  • @davisdesigns1153
    @davisdesigns1153 4 года назад +133

    literally not a single soul will drive this thing off road like this, apart from 30 years from now when a knob head named Jared, will have bought it for well below what the original owner payed for it and after which will decide to use it as a beater to drive around on his family's farm.

    • @ishaqballut6839
      @ishaqballut6839 4 года назад +18

      Arabs would take it on sand tbh

    • @JayyyCloud
      @JayyyCloud 4 года назад +5

      @@ishaqballut6839 they got their gwagons for that

    • @gabriel6504
      @gabriel6504 4 года назад +6

      It's a British car, it won't last 30 years lol.

    • @BobMonkeypimp
      @BobMonkeypimp 4 года назад +4

      @@gabriel6504 Yet you have a Lamborghini in your profile pic. Careful, even a picture of a Lambo has a high chance of bursting into flames.

    • @gabriel6504
      @gabriel6504 4 года назад +3

      @@BobMonkeypimp Thats why I always have a fire extinguisher and a Toyota with me at all times.

  • @ixm2unvrz
    @ixm2unvrz 4 года назад +97

    "in a Lamborghini Urus, you can get 23 inch wheels if you need an extra inch, and if you drive a Lamborghini, you probably do"

  • @subscribetomeoriwillstealy2568
    @subscribetomeoriwillstealy2568 4 года назад +6

    Carwow: *uploads*
    Me:I am speed
    My internet:we dont do that here

  • @hycinthpatrick6077
    @hycinthpatrick6077 2 года назад

    The way Matt stared at the parcel shelf cover 😂😂 I had to rewatch this vid for the 4th time since it’s upload ❤️💯💯

  • @lucadahse6311
    @lucadahse6311 4 года назад +196

    Surprised about how little “looks like a ford” comments there are

    • @boxythebox
      @boxythebox 4 года назад +11

      Pretty sure one of the Aston Martin designers moved to Ford which might be where the resemblance comes from

    • @DeiHarper9361
      @DeiHarper9361 4 года назад

      @@boxythebox Obviously. It's been like that since mid 2000s I believe.

    • @uyazeantonio6072
      @uyazeantonio6072 4 года назад +2

      A real bisexual petrol-head it looks like a Ford Fiesta my guy

    • @iY3R1
      @iY3R1 4 года назад +9

      Fords look like Astons, not the other way around ;)

    • @RAJohnson713
      @RAJohnson713 4 года назад +5

      bc it doesnt look like a Ford....

  • @NiTeHaWKnz
    @NiTeHaWKnz 4 года назад +44

    Every other car reviewer: Posts vid at midnight UK
    Me: WTF is Matts review?

    • @abubakarkaila2616
      @abubakarkaila2616 4 года назад +2

      Exactly. Almost 10 different channels and I was like " where's Mat"

    • @Peter1Europe
      @Peter1Europe 4 года назад

      Doug Demuro was 7 months quicker.

    • @NiTeHaWKnz
      @NiTeHaWKnz 4 года назад

      @@Peter1Europe No, Doug looked at a prototype. Matt also looked at a prototype as did most car reviewers based in Europe. Doug was behind everyone else.

  • @MonsieurCrez
    @MonsieurCrez 4 года назад +10

    Brilliantly honest and funny review as always 🤣 I think the reason it doesn’t stand out is that front grille, as its now gone from being instantly iconic Aston, to ‘looks like a Ford suv’. Great for Ford, not so much for Aston 🤔

  • @Szymon_Pakula
    @Szymon_Pakula 4 года назад

    I would like to tell you that the first thing I thought about when I saw this car's presentation is how it performs in the field. I entered a query on YT and here is your video. Thank you.

  • @daxter429
    @daxter429 4 года назад +37

    The only suv that looks sporty? Cmon Matt, that’s a lie

    • @Vanilla.coke1234
      @Vanilla.coke1234 4 года назад

      what others do?

    • @harrisr1018
      @harrisr1018 4 года назад +7

      @@Vanilla.coke1234 urus

    • @yhyhyhyh3271
      @yhyhyhyh3271 4 года назад +4

      Ike Hennessy x5m competition pack x3m competition pack,Porsche mcann, that new merc suv that does 0-60 in 4 seconds, I mean fuck me the list goes on, sports SUV’s are really sort after an common now, even rangerover svrs are quick af with a 5ltr supercharged V8, so yeh there must be over 20

    • @ambasciatore12
      @ambasciatore12 4 года назад +1

      @@yhyhyhyh3271 Stelvio quadrifoglio,rsq8

    • @zoka105
      @zoka105 4 года назад +1

      RSQ8! Urus..

  • @Sam-zd7jt
    @Sam-zd7jt 4 года назад +29

    Matt: "no other SUV looks sporty"
    Lamborghini Urus: 👁️👄👁️

  • @dudi767
    @dudi767 4 года назад +47

    Carwow: *posts*
    Everyone else: *F I R S T*

  • @mshoperix
    @mshoperix 3 года назад +1

    I've seen several DBX reviews and this is the most inspired. Carwow in stunning fashion!

  • @hangovergarage5640
    @hangovergarage5640 4 года назад +10

    Hats off! Aston made a good car with irresistible looks and decent performance

  • @joejia1410
    @joejia1410 4 года назад +13

    its like they just took the vantage, put the middle of the rapide in it sized it up, put it on a off-road chassis and went to the pub.

  • @stevemwaura7487
    @stevemwaura7487 4 года назад +92

    Aston martin: how many Porsche Macans do you want
    The world: yes

    • @bushtruck
      @bushtruck 4 года назад +3

      I'll never have a porsche on my channel. Jus tucks in the bush and laughs.

    • @edwardvalivonis23
      @edwardvalivonis23 4 года назад


    • @delbroox
      @delbroox 4 года назад

      why are you people obsessed with that freaking Macan, it looks NOTHING like it...Oh wait is it because it has 4 wheels?

    • @ccllvn
      @ccllvn 4 года назад

      @@delbroox my thoughts exactly. the DBX looks more like the 2020 Ford Escape than a Macan imo....

    • @markpass4215
      @markpass4215 4 года назад +1

      The same baby trolls who squealed Miata! the Vantage are back squeaking Macan! at the DBX...they haven’t seen either in the flesh..just like being trolls😱

  • @tshenollomaunye4463
    @tshenollomaunye4463 4 года назад +5

    The exhaust sound on Sport+ 🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @sausage7064
    @sausage7064 4 года назад +44

    I would buy the RSQ3 Sportback for myself & a small flat for 1 of my kids. That’s money well spent 👍🏽

    • @sambyf2445
      @sambyf2445 4 года назад

      SAUSAGE loooool

    • @matthewcoupeofficial
      @matthewcoupeofficial 4 года назад

      And the RSQ3 will be just as quick 99% of the time in the UK in real world scenarios.

    • @officiala2212
      @officiala2212 4 года назад


    • @HoratiusOfRome
      @HoratiusOfRome 4 года назад +1

      A small flat for £150k? Lmao idk where you live but here in London you'd be lucky to get a bloody shed for £150k let alone a flat.

    • @florianreinhardt4689
      @florianreinhardt4689 4 года назад +5

      @@HoratiusOfRome The world ain't all London mate.

  • @Jahmed5635
    @Jahmed5635 4 года назад +55

    Can already see the posh mother’s driving this around instead of the usual Range Rover

    • @ARKAEA33
      @ARKAEA33 4 года назад +3

      Fuck I hope so, I invested 50K in their stock when they bottomed out for that very reason lol

    • @aprimalheart
      @aprimalheart 4 года назад +2

      A posh mom wouldn’t use this past 55mph...that’s sacrilege...poor Aston... SMH

    • @keirbourne5323
      @keirbourne5323 4 года назад +1

      I don't think so. This is twice the price of a range rover.

    • @adriancoppin977
      @adriancoppin977 4 года назад +2

      There no apostrophe required in mothers cos it’s intended to be written in the PLURAL. Why is it that you laddies under 50 years young have zero idea of English grammar, eh? About as useful as a cat flap on a submarine you are.

    • @isaacoluwade
      @isaacoluwade 4 года назад +2

      @@adriancoppin977 please calm down sir 😂

  • @TijnMP
    @TijnMP 4 года назад +12

    Probably the first and last DBX that's gonna offroad

  • @anderbeau
    @anderbeau Месяц назад

    That Aston in the signature green is everything! 😍

  • @waleed172
    @waleed172 4 года назад +64

    Who else wants to meet Mat Watson to talk about fake vents and exhausts on cars?

    • @niveshdongre7955
      @niveshdongre7955 4 года назад +4

      and bmw idrive system too

    • @waleed172
      @waleed172 4 года назад +5

      @@niveshdongre7955 Now its Mercedes MBUX

    • @F1ll1nTh3Blanks
      @F1ll1nTh3Blanks 4 года назад +2

      There aren't any on this but in general, yeh.

    • @orvillemendonca6586
      @orvillemendonca6586 4 года назад

      He will check your vents with the stick of truth 😋

  • @ΣταύροςΤσίπηρας
    @ΣταύροςΤσίπηρας 4 года назад +5

    In all of the off road part.
    Mat: "I want options. OPTIONS."😂😂

  • @ragingsilver
    @ragingsilver 4 года назад +67

    As much as I love Astons for their exterior design, never was a fan of interior.

    • @staytoasty7373
      @staytoasty7373 3 года назад +8

      they look so old

    • @willkaufman8208
      @willkaufman8208 3 года назад +8

      Yep I agree. Very dated since they r using mercades old tech

  • @aguoliver3804
    @aguoliver3804 2 года назад

    the swearing when he turns off the assist had my crying of laughter at 3.07

  • @autonewstv86
    @autonewstv86 4 года назад +9

    *really like it. I think the design is spot on, love the rear. The only thing that looks odd, at least on video, is maybe a bit too much panel gap? Maybe it's to accomodate flex on a 2.1 ton land boat, which this is for Aston. It's cool anyway in my opinion.* 👍😍

    • @carlosandleon
      @carlosandleon 4 года назад +1

      now you're just rationalzing it's flaws with the panel gaps.
      Just an excuse I say, just see it for what it is.
      Shit assembly

  • @DrEvilsFinger
    @DrEvilsFinger 4 года назад +17

    7:12 nice looking Mondeo Estate

    • @bestbmw1223
      @bestbmw1223 4 года назад +1

      Ford stole the licensing from Aston Martin when they owned it

  • @carter5606
    @carter5606 4 года назад +66

    Can’t get it out of my head that it looks like a Ford Escape 😂

    • @sk7730
      @sk7730 4 года назад +1

      Big kap

    • @notarice8509
      @notarice8509 4 года назад +1

      Thank god I'm not the only one who thinks this

    • @carter5606
      @carter5606 4 года назад

      OddJobMTB that’s cool!

    • @subz7352
      @subz7352 4 года назад

      Yeah looks like a last minute job. To a.Nissan Juke

    • @marcooconnor
      @marcooconnor 4 года назад +1

      From a long distance yes...certainly nobody is going see any resemblance up close..

  • @ravibindra565
    @ravibindra565 3 месяца назад

    In a 911 Carrera 4S, I saw a SUV in the distance (about 300m) on a twisty road. Thinking to myself "I will soon overtake that". Well after about 5Km, I had made up about 100m. Only at a set of traffic lights did I finally catch up and found that it was a gorgeous DBX.

  • @jayasinghabandara8256
    @jayasinghabandara8256 4 года назад +6

    This car is awesome. If I had money I'm buying this one.

  • @kyleh4450
    @kyleh4450 4 года назад +7

    12:45 I’m pretty sure mat has quite a lot of “souvenirs” in his house

  • @GCPJD98
    @GCPJD98 4 года назад +90

    Me: Dont say it dont say it
    Also me: It looks like a Ford

    • @Coolcmsc
      @Coolcmsc 4 года назад +12

      Gary 1 Oh! I thought it was.... A big Puma.....Oooooops😂

    • @GCPJD98
      @GCPJD98 4 года назад +2

      @@Coolcmsc INNIT!!! That's exactly what i thought!!!

    • @marcooconnor
      @marcooconnor 4 года назад +7

      I think ford stole the grill design so if anything the ford looks like the Aston..which is probably true until you actually get in front of one and realise its like comparing night and day.

    • @GCPJD98
      @GCPJD98 4 года назад +4

      @@marcooconnor Ford have been using that grill design on their focus since 2015 tho?

    • @marinne3817
      @marinne3817 4 года назад +5

      Gary 1 Aston was founded in 1913

  • @k0618202
    @k0618202 3 года назад

    Many thanks for the review Matt. Please keep up the excellent commentary.

  • @_M27_
    @_M27_ 4 года назад +5

    Tbh they should have preserved the name "DBX" for something like a crazy limit production (like

  • @ovidiu.ionut01
    @ovidiu.ionut01 4 года назад +36

    It looks like a bigger Fiesta from the front

    • @MichaelTheGamer10
      @MichaelTheGamer10 4 года назад +2

      Lol i own a fiesta, and i dont really like the look of this Aston Martin. But funnily enough the grille on the fiesta (the chrome horizontal line grille) is acc inspiration taken from Aston Martin 😂

    • @caidee
      @caidee 4 года назад

      Orice ar fi făcut tot semăna cu o altă mașină nu?

    • @MichaelTheGamer10
      @MichaelTheGamer10 4 года назад

      GD's LIST Sorry i dont understand? I only speak English haha sorry.

    • @caidee
      @caidee 4 года назад +1

      @@MichaelTheGamer10 I was responding to the guy above...I said that every car can look like another car so what

    • @ബണ്ടിപെരാന്തൻ
      @ബണ്ടിപെരാന്തൻ 4 года назад +1

      Fiesta copied from aston. Martin models man 😄

  • @abhinavdomy3570
    @abhinavdomy3570 4 года назад +23

    Phone rings...
    Aston martin guy: hello how can i help you
    Matt: i was wondering if i could get thr DBX for a review
    Aston martin guy: ooh yes of course sir...what is your name again???
    Matt: THE names watson...matt watson..

  • @hastensavoir7782
    @hastensavoir7782 4 года назад

    Finally a Sporty SUV I fancy! Move over, Cayenne, Urus, Levante. The Hand-Built badge in the door sill is always a classy touch.

  • @wardybasher
    @wardybasher 4 года назад +37

    It’s nice that Aston Martin haven’t made this car with parts bin cast offs from Ford and Jaguar.

    • @GazLan
      @GazLan 4 года назад +1


    • @christophergresco9677
      @christophergresco9677 4 года назад +4

      It is a Mercedes GLC, lol...

    • @ewangreen6811
      @ewangreen6811 4 года назад +2

      Ford and Jag haven't been involved with Aston for over a decade now but yeah it's nice they're doing their own stuff

    • @spirosbonis436
      @spirosbonis436 4 года назад

      Wow Ford is made good cars this days first Puma now this

    • @mercedes_and_more
      @mercedes_and_more 4 года назад

      Luckily they dipped into the Mercedes parts bin instead!

  • @trentos10
    @trentos10 4 года назад +5

    “Sort of like wearing a ribbed condom” 😂😂😂😂 lost my mind

  • @hittulkukreja8292
    @hittulkukreja8292 4 года назад +8

    Mat never fails to entertain us...may god bless you 😌

  • @balesjo
    @balesjo 4 года назад +1

    I'm impressed by just how quiet it was throughout the video.

  • @subscribetomeoriwillstealy2568
    @subscribetomeoriwillstealy2568 4 года назад +26

    For a second I thought was that a Porsche Cayman

    • @amazingsunday1
      @amazingsunday1 4 года назад +1

      Me too

    • @adam145
      @adam145 4 года назад +7

      Front looks like a Ford Kuga to me

    • @sharonmtonga506
      @sharonmtonga506 4 года назад +1

      me too yeah

    • @F1ll1nTh3Blanks
      @F1ll1nTh3Blanks 4 года назад +1

      A Cayman is a tiny sports car. On what planet.. I think you probably meant Cayanne and I still don't see the similarities. 🤷

    • @famaccount479
      @famaccount479 4 года назад +1

      @@F1ll1nTh3Blanks He meant the Macan.

  • @sweez_playz7625
    @sweez_playz7625 4 года назад +5

    Who else randomly found carwow video and have been watching ever since

  • @MitchW420
    @MitchW420 4 года назад +17

    I feel like I would have to take my shoes off before getting in

  • @SubjectRandom21
    @SubjectRandom21 4 года назад

    Been waiting for this review for ages. Thanks for confirming my thoughts, get one.