3,20 звёзд 65 Votes


This game is incredibly frustrating. There is so much good about it: The main female characters Olivia, Julia, Athena in the latest update are all hot as hell and each unique in terms of body and face. Margaret is hot despite being a GILF, Amira is interesting. I like the general plot so far. While the whole amnesia thing is a bit trite, its not bad. The magic, the use of an oracle to help stuck people, the background of the world is unique and interesting, and I really like being able to go around and explore to a certain extent. the combat is... meh, but amusing. Survivable.

HOWEVER. The Main Character. Especially in the last two updates, has pissed me off. In an RPG I want to have control of my actual actions, not just my stats. one choice, see if you can get lucky with the pole dancer or not. That was it.

Julia falls on top of you after you save her (and yourself) from being run over. No choice as to if you can be sneaky and feel her up. Also, what was the point of her husband mock slap-fighting you? Just... what?
Cleopatra. Slaps you, calls you a slave, belittles you. NO CHOICE but to smile and take it. What kind of BS is that? You should have had a choice after getting out of the ruin to set her straight. Nope. Furthermore, being forced to have the diner girl over is just idiotic. You can't get out of talking to her and inviting her over. WHY?

I love the graphics. I think this game's got a lot of potential. But the lack of player input in how the main character acts is a killer for me. I haven't played the other games from this creator in years, but I don't think I'm going to play this game again.
Cleo slapped MC because he was look at Margaret ass as she walking away. I think very funny. :ROFLMAO:
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Реакции: JoeyGucci и MaugerCG


New Member
Hi there! I have a problem to craft the pickaxe. When i Take the scroll, I don't see it in the "Scrafting Scrolls". I tried to do everything again from the beginning but still same result: the scroll is not in the menu... Did I miss something?
Also, once spoken with Nia, there's no Celo to my apartment... and I don't know who's Celo!


I started playing the game now and I already have a problem where I find Nute to Holy Stone to be able to do the "Seed of Strength"
Can anyone help me?


Tbh I really liked the update, a bit of lore and theories to do.
Besides, Cleopatra seemed like a pretty fun character to me, with personality, something that was missing here.
Same. Cleopatra not just another passive fuck doll waiting to jump on MC as soon as possible but a character in her own right with a unique personality, history and purpose. NLT Media female characters like this who possess character, interesting past and own agenda - e.g., Diana (Scholarly Adventuress), Madalyn (Demon-human Crossbreed) and Sofia (Immortal Pirate Queen) from Treasure of Nadia - always outshine shallower easy girls and women for me. (y) I already laugh more about imperious Cleopatra conversations with MC than any others. :ROFLMAO: (Which is probably why side-girl thing has no value for me because female characters have absolutely no personalities whatsoever.) I think Cleo will be a handful for MC to deal with, one to one, but very amusing as she learns about and adapts to modern Osira. :LOL: NLT Media version of Cleopatra :love: already definitely my favourite character and a highlight for me now to enjoy during the rest of the game. :D
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Реакции: Borlandsmen и MaugerCG


Same. Cleopatra not just another passive fuck doll waiting to jump on MC as soon as possible but a character in her own right with a unique personality, history and purpose. NLT Media female characters like this who possess character, interesting past and own agenda - e.g., Diana (Scholarly Adventuress), Madalyn (Demon-human Crossbreed) and Sofia (Immortal Pirate Queen) from Treasure of Nadia - always outshine shallower easy girls and women for me. (y) I already laugh more about imperious Cleopatra conversations with MC than any others. :ROFLMAO: I think Cleo will be a handful for MC to deal with, one to one, but very amusing she learns about and adapts to modern Osira. :LOL: NLT Media version of Cleopatra :love: already definitely my favourite character and a highlight for me now to enjoy during the rest of the game. :D
Her attitude is more like Tasha though. Hated her! Too pigheaded. I wanted to smack Cleo for talking to people instead of keeping a low profile, despite her knowing the situation. And the sad thing is, I know that sex with her is gonna be absolutely vanilla and all lovey-dovey, while it should be angry sex.


Her attitude is more like Tasha though. Hated her! Too pigheaded. I wanted to smack Cleo for talking to people instead of keeping a low profile, despite her knowing the situation. And the sad thing is, I know that sex with her is gonna be absolutely vanilla and all lovey-dovey, while it should be angry sex.
I can't predict the future but, to be honest, I find Cleo to be immensely amusing and hysterically funny in a way no other characters in the game can match. :love: That's a big win for me, entertainment-wise, no matter how hot or cold animated sex scenes featuring her might be. (y) (Which isn't important to me anyway having a real girlfriend.) All player look for different things and for me story, character, amusement and entertainment value are key and way more important than the sexy. o_O Is what is good about NLT Media games IMHO, i.e., games have a variety of female characters with, usually, for all player, one or two always of interest and to root for. ;) My favourites in SotS are Cleopatra (Last Member of the Ptolemaic Dynasty and Final Female Pharaoh of Egypt), Amira (Seductive Scheming Machiavellian Politician), and Margaret (Scholarly Leader of Religious Sect Devoted to Athena) because they are all intelligent, educated, independent and strong female characters of purpose aiming to leave their stamp upon their world. :p Those three will drive the story forward and make SotS worth playing for me, for others it will be different which is good I think. :D
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Реакции: MaugerCG


hey I took the scented candle back to the nurse in the breakroom and I talked to her, flirted, and gifted the candle, but her attraction only filled halfway so I didn't get her sex scene?
3,20 звёзд 65 Votes